
Diamond Digital PRO: Release 1.01

We are delighted to announce Diamond Digital PRO release 1.01. The major update in this release is the work order details page – which we’ve highlighted above.

The work order details page is the single source of truth between the dealership and the service provider. On the work order details page you can see the ordered services, service workflow, associated vehicle, and payment status. Dealership users access the work order details by clicking on the work order row from either orders & approvals or work queue. Accounting users access the work orders from the unbilled tab in the invoicing interface.

Additional improvements bundled into this update include:

  • a refresh button for the work order queue in the vendor store manager interface,
  • payment summary components in the work order details page,
  • easy editing of prices on invoiced work orders for the vendor accountants – to apply discounts if necessary,
  • and various bug fixes/quality of life improvements
Any questions on this release should be directed to

Coming Soon

We’re dedicated to continuously improving our innovative platform. Stay tuned for some exciting new features that can only be found on Diamond Digital PRO.


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